Experience – 2009 to 2010

Experience – 2009 to 2010

Experience – 2009 to 2010

Timeline of Advanced Laser and Light Technology Consulting Activities – continued

2009 Activities

  • 2009 – Published 3 Chapters: Owens, P et al. (2009) Milady Standard Esthetics Advanced.
    Clifton Park, NY: Cengage Learning
  • 2009 – ASLMS Lecture – “ABC‘s of Aesthetic Practice Development and Management”
  • 2009 – DNA Lecture – “Advanced Dermatologic Laser/Light Procedures”
  • 2009 – DNA Lecture – “Dermatology Nursing Certification Review”
  • 2009 – 24-hour aesthetic MLSO courses for Rockwell Laser Industries

2010 Activities

  • 2010 – NCEA Teacher Symposium Lecturer – “Laser & Light Therapy – Understanding the Fundamentals and More”
  • 2010 – DNA Lecture – “Dermatology Nursing Certification Review”
  • 2010 – Hill, P.; Owens, P. (2009) Milady’s Aesthetician Series, Laser and Light Therapy. Clifton
    Park, NY: Cengage Learning
  • 2010 – ASLMS Pre-Conference Nursing/Allied Health Lecture – “Pre and Post Laser Care”
  • 2010 – 24 hour aesthetic MLSO courses for Rockwell Laser Industries in TX

Aesthetic Med Consulting